Principality of Antioch
Principality of Antioch
Capital: Antioch
Government: Hereditary Monarchy.
Population: 100,110
Religions: Christianity (61%), Polytheism (15%), Judaism (13%), Islam (10%), Other (1%)
Allies: Byzantine Empire
Enemies: Egyptian Empire and the Abbasid Sultanate
Neutral: Persian Empire
History: The County of Tripoli had been part of the Egyptian Empire during the New Kingdom Period, but was lost during the Late New Kingdom. It was a province of Rome, and later the Byzantine Empire. After the Byzantine Empire began to crumble in the 7th Century CE, Antioch was reconquered by the Egyptian Empire, however, the territory was contested with by the Umayyad Caliphate, Egypt, and the Byzantines. In 1098, the Crusaders conquered Antioch and set up the County of Tripoli, which was under the rule of the Princes of Taranto. It remained in the control of the Princes of Taranto until 1268, when it was conquered by the Abbasid Sultinate. It remained in Abbasid control until the 15th Century CE, when it was passed to the Persian Empire. In the 16th Century CE, it was conquered by the Ottoman Turks.
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Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thanks for sharing 🙂